Homes on Walnut Avenue


Moving to Santa Cruz County? The information and links below can help you with relocating to the area. Santa Cruz County offers unparalleled opportunities for recreation, a vibrant arts and culture scene, and housing that ranges from beachside condos to modest homes.

Santa Cruz County enjoys summertime temperatures in the mid-70s and winter temperatures in the mid-50s. The sun shines 300 days a year and the humidity is low for a coastal city. Sunny beaches and lush forests make Santa Cruz County one of the most spectacular places to live in the United States.


Santa Cruz County
City of Capitola
City of Santa Cruz
City of Scotts Valley
City of Watsonville
University of California at Santa Cruz
Cabrillo College


Aptos Chamber of Commerce
7605-A Old Dominion Court
Aptos, CA 95003
Tel: 831.688.1467

Capitola-Soquel Chamber of Commerce
716-G Capitola Avenue
Capitola, CA 95010
Tel: 831.475.6522

Pajaro Valley Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture
449 Union Street
Watsonville, CA 95076
Tel: 831.724.3900

Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce
725 Front Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Tel: 831.457.3713

Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce
360 Kings Village Road
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Tel: 831.438.1010