3600 Highway 1
Davenport CA 95017
The Nature Center, located in the coastal portion of Big Basin Redwood State Park on the south side of Waddell Creek, features exhibits about the natural and cultrual history of the Waddell Valley. The Marsh trail and Hoover loop trails can be accesseed from the Center. Guided hikes are offered throughout the year.
The Rancho del Oso Welcome Center is on the north side of Waddell Creek, located one half mile inland from Highway 1 acrowss from the Waddell Beach parking lot. the walls of the Welcome Center are adorned with depictions of the seven habitiats found at Rancho del Oso: coastal strand, marsh, riparian, coastal scrub, and Monterey Pine, mixed evergreen and redwood forests. The Welcome Center sits adjacent to many of these. Camping is available nearby. To make a reservation go to https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=31302
The Nature and Welcome Centers are connected during the dry season (May through October) by a seasonal bridge across Waddell Creek, accessed via a marsh trail.
Visit our website of call for more information about programs and events, to arrange a field trip for your class, or a tour and guided hike for your group or organization.