Beach Street Inn Adirondacks

Visit Santa Cruz County Announces Seventh Edition of Wildlife Watching Guide

There are approximately 400 migratory and permanent bird species found throughout Santa Cruz County, and thousands of monarch butterflies, whales, and elephant seals which call the area home on a seasonal basis.  Avid wildlife viewers now have an updated resource, thanks to Visit Santa Cruz County’s Wildlife Watching Guide. 

Now in its seventh printing, the free 56-page guide is designed to help navigate the various communities adjacent to premiere birding destinations throughout the county.  The guide includes information on a variety of habitats, from sandy beaches to lagoons, wetlands and river mouths, as well as descriptions and fresh photography of the some of the area’s most commonly seen birds, wildlife and the best times of the year to view them.  The San Vicente Redwoods is a recent addition to the guide. 

Information on where and how to view wintering monarch butterflies, migrating whales and elephant seals is also featured.  The guide provides maps of birding and wildlife hotspots, points of interest and itineraries. 

The printed guide can be mailed within the U.S. through an online request form and is also available to download.