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Scotts Valley: Alfred Hitchcock Festival

March 14March 16

The weekend after National Hitchcock Day will be the 3nd annual Alfred Hitchcock Festival, so save the date! There will be film screenings, food, drinks, and more! The Hitchcock Festival offers a rich tapestry of activities, blending screenings of classics with insightful analyses and discussions. These sessions, led by film scholars and experts, provide a deeper understanding of Hitchcock’s work. The festival also features keynote talks, panel discussions, and a special fashion show inspired by the iconic styles in Hitchcock’s films, reflecting the elegance and psychological depth of his cinematic universe.

Alfred Hitchcock, or “Hitch” as he called himself to neighbors, lived in Scotts Valley from 1940 to 1970. He called his estate “Heart o’ the Mountain” and entertained many celebrities there such as Ingrid Bergman, Cary Grant, James Stewart, Kim Novak, Grace Kelly (even after she became Princess Grace and brought along the Prince of Monaco), and Robert Cummings who frequently flew his own plane to Skypark for the weekend. Go see why they found this a perfect escape from the pressures of the film industry!

March 14March 16
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