7500 Old Dominion Court
Aptos CA 95003
Host a successful meeting or event at Seacliff Inn. Whether you’re organizing a small board meeting or a 150-guest conference, we have all the ingredients you need for a seamless event, including flexible venues, on-site catering, audiovisual services, and dedicated planners. Select from our 3 venues in Aptos, CA – where we also offer 148 guest rooms and suites for overnight group accommodations.
ROOM NAME | Square Ft. | Dimensions | Theatre | Classroom | Banquet | Reception |
Seacliff Room | 2379.00 | 61x39 | 150 | 80 | 150 | 150 |
Seabreeze | 475.00 | 25x19 | ||||
Monarch | 282.00 | 14.5x19.5 |