Most public agencies in Santa Cruz County require permits for commercial still and motion picture photography. The Santa Cruz County Film Commission can assist in determining the appropriate permit jurisdictions for your locations.

The permitting applications and requirements for each of the agencies are available through the Film Commission. Permitting fees, processing times and requirements vary from agency to agency. General guidelines for each agency are provided below, but the Film Commission encourages production companies to contact the appropriate permitting agency early in pre-production stages for complete information.

Requirements for commercial filming with a drone can be found here.

City of Capitola

420 Capitola Ave., Capitola, CA 95010
Phone: 831.475.7300
Fax: 831.479.8879
Contact: Julia Gautho, City Clerk,

Use: Filming on public property within the Capitola city limits.
Fees: Vary per review.
Road Encroachment Permit Fee: $60-400 per day
Application Requirements: Application to Film in the City of Capitola
Insurance Requirements: An original certificate of insurance naming the City of Capitola, its agents, servants, and employees as an additional insured in the amount of $1,000,000 per person for public liability and property insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.
Other Requirements: A business license for the City of Capitola is required.
Processing Time:  4 weeks

City of Santa Cruz
Phone: 831.420.5270
Fax: 831.420.5271

Use: Filming, video recording, and photographing on public property within the Santa Cruz city limits.
Fees: Site fees for city park locations vary. Road encroachment fees vary as well.
Application Requirements: City of Santa Cruz Film, Video & Photography Permit Application
Insurance Requirements: An original certificate of insurance naming the City of Santa Cruz, its officers, agents, and employees as an additional insured in the amount of $2,000,000 in general liability, at minimum. Please refer to for additional information.
Processing Time: 2 weeks to 3 months
Police and Fire: Contact Event Permits Office at 831.420.5270

City of Santa Cruz Water Department

212 Locust St., Ste. A
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone: 831.420.5203

Use: Filming at Loch Lomond Recreation Area
Fees and Requirements: To be determined upon review.

City of Scotts Valley

1 Civic Center Dr.Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Phone: 831.440.5600
Fax: 831.438.2793
Contact: Mali LaGoe, City Manager,

Use: Filming on city-owned property within the Scotts Valley city limits.
Fees and Requirements: To be determined upon review.
More Information: Click Here

City of Watsonville

215 E. Beach Street #2000
P.O. Box 50000
Watsonville, CA 95077
Phone: 831.768.3247
Fax: 831.728.9036
Contact: Israel Tirado, Special Events Committee Chair,

Use: Filming on city-owned property within the Watsonville city limits.
Fees: To be determined upon review.
Application Requirements: Application and Authorization to Film in the City of Watsonville
Insurance Requirements: An original certificate of insurance naming the City of Watsonville, its officers, agents, and employees as an additional insured in the amount of $1,000,000 in general liability and proof of workers’ compensation coverage.
Other Tequirements: A business license for the City of Watsonville is required.
Processing Time: 5 to 10 business days.

County of Santa Cruz

701 Ocean St, Room 520
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone: 831.454.3490
Fax: 831.454.3420
Contact: David Brown,

Use: Use of facilities owned and/or operated by the County, and County-owned property, including right-of-way.
Fees: The County of Santa Cruz charges a $250 administration fee for permits. There may be additional site fees for filming at a county-owned park. If a road closure or intermittent traffic control on County-owned roads is required, a road encroachment permit is required. Fees vary. For more information, contact the County Department of Public Works at 831.454.2160.
Application Requirements: Santa Cruz County Application for Authorization to Film is required only for use as specified above.
Insurance Requirements: Applicant shall exonerate, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the County, including its officers, agents, employees and volunteers, for any and all liability for personal injury and property damage arising out of the applicant’s activities. The applicant shall maintain Comprehensive General Liability insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000, naming the County as an additional insured. Applicant must provide the County with a copy of the policy prior to the authorization to film being issued.
Other Requirements: Prior permission must be obtained to film anything identifying the County, i.e. vehicles or buildings with the County seal or employees in uniform. For all road closures of County-owned roads, applicant must contract with California Highway Patrol for intermittent traffic control.
Processing Time: 3-7 business days
Fire Department Contact: Chris Walters, 831.335.6748
Fire Safety Officer Fees: Varies
Police: California Highway Patrol, Sgt. Nick Ozanne, 831.662.0511
Police Officer Fees: $79.15 – $99.55 per hour plus mileage
Pyrotechnics: Contact local Fire Departments; see list on this page.

Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

99 Pacific Street, Suite 455 A Monterey, CA 93940
Phone: 831.647.1286
Fax: 831.647.4250
Contact: Sophie De Beukelaer,

Use and Requirements: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife prohibit aerial flights under 1,000 feet along Santa Cruz County’s coastline due to the sensitivity of the marine and bird life in the area. However, permits may be obtained in some cases. Click here for permitting information. Information on drone photography and filming is here.

California Department of Fish and Game

20 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Suite 100
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone: 831.649.2942
Fax: 831.649.2894
Contact: Lt. Don Kelly,

Use and Requirements: The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and the California Department of Fish and Game prohibit aerial flights under 1,000 feet along Santa Cruz County’s coastline due to the sensitivity of the marine and bird life in the area. However, a special use permit may be obtained in some cases.

Santa Cruz Port District

135 Fifth Ave.Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Phone: 831.475.6161
Fax: 831.475.9558
Contact: Renee Ghisletta, Administrative Services Manager

Use: Filming at harbor facilities
Fees: Fees vary
Application Requirements: Special Event Permit Application
Insurance Requirements: An original certificate of insurance naming the Santa Cruz Port District, its officers, agents and employees as an additional insured for a minimum of $1,000,000 in general liability.
Processing Time: 14 days

University of California, Santa Cruz

1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA  95064
Phone:  831.459.2495
Contact: Carolyn Lagattuta, Executive Assistant and Staff Photographer

Use: Campus grounds and buildings
Fees: Full day:  $3,000.  Half day:  $1,500. Additional fees may be incurred for: University police supervision at the local approved rate for officer and sergeant; University site supervision: $50 per hour; Parking fees at $10 per day per vehicle; and any additional site preparation or restoration work performed by university staff deemed necessary.
Insurance Requirements: The UC standard insurance requirements for special events hosted by outside groups are as follows: 1. Name the Regents of the University of California, its officers, agents, and employees as insured under the policy for all liability arising out of the outside organization’s or group’s use of UCSC facilities. 2. Provide for thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation. 3. Provide that the Organization’s insurance shall be primary and noncontributing with any other valid and collectible insurance or self-insurance available to the Regents of the University of California. 4. Provide that the inclusion of more than one insured under the policy shall not operate to impair the rights of one insured against another insured, and that the coverage afforded by the insurance, except for the limits of such insurance, shall apply as though separated policies had been issued to each insured. INSURANCE COVERAGE & LIMIT REQUIREMENTS General Liability Commercial Form Minimal Limits $1,000,000 Each Occurrence – combined BI & PD single limit $1,000,000 Products & Completed Operations $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury $1,000,000 General Aggregate $1,000,000 Auto Liability – Comprehensive Form $1,000,000 Worker’s Compensation Statutory
Processing time:  10 days
Other Information: The UC Santa Cruz photography, motion picture, and television agreement must be completed and signed by all parties prior to the time filming commences. The Associate Vice Chancellor of Communications has been granted authority to approve the script or content of the material to be filmed on campus prior to filming.

State of California

California Film Commission
7080 Hollywood Blvd., Ste. 900
Hollywood, CA 90028
Phone: 323.860.2960
Fax: 323.860.2972
Contact for ​Northern and Central California State Parks: ​Brandy Davis, 323.860.2960 ext. 106
Contact for State Property and Buildings: Brandy Davis, 323.860.2960 ext 106
Contact for Southern California State Parks:  ​Catherine Adamic, 323.860.2960 ext. 107
Contact for State Highways: David Booth, 323.860.2960 ext. 104
State Fire Marshal: ​Ramiro Rodriguez  213.700.5884 ​cell
CHP Film/Media Relations Officer: ​Ian Ramer, 323.860.2960, Ext. 103 ​213.703.2070 cell

Use: Filming on state-owned property
Permit Fees: The California Film Commission offers free online permitting and coordination for all state properties. State Park film monitor fee $79/hour. Fees also apply for site monitors, parking, and other cost recovery charges.
Application Requirements: Permits are required for filming and still photography via an online permit application.
Insurance Requirements: A valid insurance certificate is required for all film permits. See for details.
Processing Time: 4 business days are required for most film permits. More time is required for any high-impact permit requests, such as filming on freeways.
Special Requirements: The State Fire Marshal must review all permit requests, which include stunts or pyrotechnic activities. Filming at state parks and beaches requires the approval of the local park ranger. Please refer to the contact list below for each park.

California State Parks in Santa Cruz County

Big Basin Redwoods State Park
Scott Pipes, 831.335.6324

Castle Rock State Park
Scott Pipes, 831.335.6324

Fall Creek State Park
Joe Walters, 831.335.6324

The Forest of Nisene Marks State Park
Mike Selbo (acting), 831.429.2881

Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park
Scott Pipes, 831.335.6324

Manresa State Beach
Mike Selbo (acting), 831.429.2881

Natural Bridges State Park
Joe Connors, 831.212.7672 

New Brighton State Beach
Mike Selbo (acting), 831.429.2881

Palm State Beach
Mike Selbo (acting), 831.429.2881

Rancho Del Oso
Mike Selbo (acting), 831.429.2881

Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park
Joe Walters, 831.335.6324

Seacliff State Beach
Mike Selbo (acting), 831.429.2881

Sunset State Beach
Mike Selbo (acting), 831.429.2881

Twin Lakes State Beach
Eddie Rhee-Pizano, 831.429.2881

Waddell Creek State Beach
Joe Walters, 831.335.6324

Wilder Ranch State Park
John Connors, 831.212.7672 

Santa Cruz County Fire Departments

Aptos/La Selva FPD
Aptos, 831.685.6690

Aromas CDF Tri-County FD
Aromas, 831.726.3130

Ben Lomond FPD
Ben Lomond, 831.336.5495

Boulder Creek FPD
Boulder Creek, 831.338.7222

Branciforte FPD
Santa Cruz, 831.423.8856

Central Santa Cruz FPA
Santa Cruz, 831.479.6842

Felton FPD
Felton, 831.335.4422

Pajaro Valley FD
Watsonville, 831.722.6188

Santa Cruz FD
Santa Cruz, 831.420.5280

Scotts Valley FPD
Scotts Valley, 831.438.0211

University of California, Santa Cruz FD
UCSC, Santa Cruz, 831.459.3473

Watsonville FD
Watsonville, 831.768.3200

Zayante FPD
Felton, 831.335.5100

General Information

Sales Tax

The base sales tax for Santa Cruz County is 9 percent. Lodging rates are subject to sales tax plus a transient occupancy tax of 11 percent throughout Santa Cruz County.

Child Labor

Minors aged 15 days to 18 years employed in the entertainment industry must have a permit to work, and employers must have a permit to employ issued by the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE). These permits are also required for minors making phonographic recordings or who are employed as advertising or photographic models. Permits are required even when the entertainment is non-commercial in nature. Click here for more information.

Animals in Film and Television
Producers using animals in their productions are obligated to notify the American Humane Association’s Film & TV Unit in advance of their shoot, regardless of where the filming occurs. The American Humane Association’s role is to prevent cruelty and to ensure the safety of the animal and human actors that perform in films and television.  It is the only industry-sanctioned organization with the oversight of animals in filmed media for over 80 years, holding the exclusive right to award its “No Animals Were Harmed”® end-credit certification to productions engaging the services of a Certified Animal Safety Representative™ on set. All SAG signatory productions working with animals are required to register with the “No Animals Were Harmed”® program.In addition to on set monitoring services,American Humane’s Resource Center is available to offer guidance on best animal welfare practices, animal action and care, licensing/permitting, and transportation. Register and download the Guidelines for the Safe Use of Animals in Filmed Media by visiting Contact: or 818.501.0123